Prose and musing by Sam I am.
Writer of cyberpunk, dystopian fiction, and nonfiction. Plus whatever drives me at the time.
Prose and musing by Sam I am.
Writer of cyberpunk, dystopian fiction, and nonfiction. Plus whatever drives me at the time.
Is there any point? Yes, there is.
Simple. But they don’t want you to think that.
It doesn’t suit their purpose for you to have hope.
It only serves to keep you in your place.
Where you have utility. To them if not you and yours.
Just stay where you
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We court ourselves our entire lives. We are hardly getting to know ourselves and we disappear. The reality of that should hit home, but it doesn’t. It never does. We wonder at ourselves. Pity ourselves and are let down by ou
We are. For what they do. For what they do in our name. We do not recognise ourselves in their frame, but then it’s obscured. And yet, we let them in the door again and again. Because secretly we like them. We like what they say. It tickles our ears,
There have been so many. And yet they were all in some way the same.
The mirror doesn’t lie.
Yes, it does. It does when it is reflected inside my head.
I couldn’t decipher this world at all for the longest time.
And then everything slipped into view.
There is great beauty in being present. To really be there in the room is a blessing that can so seldom be realised for most of us. And if we are not careful, we can punish ourselves for it. And this will become the memory of when we weren’t present
Sometimes you just feel numb.
In this barrel of shit.
It’s a joke that we keep laughing. Staring into disdain.
Sometimes you hold on, often you don’t. You loosen your grip.
There is no other way. No decision.
Taste the bitterness in the air. It cuts
We take another hit.
We’ll sleep well tonight. They won’t.
Do we continue to ignore the consequences of our actions, of their deeds.
We see it in every essence of what we do. And yet we preach prosperity.
And yet no one prospers. Not in this war.
Life becomes pitiless in the face of adversity
Riots don’t even breakthrough
No tear gas spent in here
Take note my friend this will be only the beginning. And they ask. But I do not tell.
We ask ourselves day in day out, what is this sliver of a roc
Now we rush in to save the Eaton mess from crumbling in his house of cards.
Meanwhile, those once bound for their own safety, and that of others, unmask their grimaced faces once more.
As we step out back to new normalcy, all care to the wind, we lo
This is not what was promised by the inner corners of my mind after two years of constraint. Not this. Why this? Why now? Just why?
East calls West’s bluff and they are left standing impotent in their patriarchal commune of broken arrows.
Edges get t
It's time to level up
It's time to level up. Or so they say. As the interest rises the reality of the great divide only shows us the chasm between us. We step out of our council porches to dream of a new day. A new beginning if only we pull up straps
Should there be a cap on fuel prices?
When fuel is a basic need, unfortunately, in this capitalist world and without it vulnerable people can’t keep warm, can’t cook food, and can’t get about. Then surely it should be protected from price increases
Heads once held high show the only traces of nostalgia having gone bad. An over-zealous xenophobe shot himself in the face today as he stirred his baked beans, and no one noticed.
In other news, the dogs didn’t bite but then they never do they only c
What is this jazz I am writing? What am I doing it for? This free flow of word-formation. It comes at a cost and may be ignored. But the ignorant swell in their space.
I used to want to be somebody. To be somebody else. I tried and I failed more time
If we talk to each other who listens. And if we take a step into the known unknown.
In days of wonder. Where wonder is routinely crushed. We wonder too little or we wander too much.
If we talk, do we not listen? And if we listen, do we not talk? Wher
I have been thinking a lot about the pleasures of thinking.
Of being lost in thought.
Not the endless mind chatters or banal looping nonsense, but real contemplative thinking.
Of daydreaming out loud in your own mind.
I meditate daily. 20 minutes or
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