Musing of a Cyberpunk

Prose and musing by  Sam I am.

Writer of cyberpunk, dystopian fiction, and nonfiction. Plus whatever drives me at the time. 

All Articles (76)

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   king in your own living room.        

I am lucky enough to have lived to the ripe old age of 21 before the internet became a thing, along with mobile phones. 

I remember a time before now.

I am not saying it was better, but it certainly didn’t fee

Views: 13

We have lived many lives. Even in this one, we have lived plenty. We are not the people today that we will be tomorrow, and we sure aren’t the same people as we were yesterday. And we probably wouldn’t want to be.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t

Views: 19

I have to live with the voices.

I suppose we all do, but mine grind me down, in good times I am left out cold.

I live with things better unsaid.

I suppose we all do.

But it grinds me down when I should be present.

It takes me out of the conversation

Views: 15

The ghosts they come.
The good the bad and the truly hideous.
Haunting our present from the past and the future.
Spoiling the moment. If we let it.
They come often this time of year. When we look in the mirror, and when we don’t.
When we least expect it.

Views: 16

Noise box won’t listen. So, then neither will I. two can play that game. Why be designed to tare itself down? And if not designed, then programmed? If so by who? What? How? Distraction? From what? By whom? Why? Money obviously, is the easy one. But n

Views: 10

grab it whilst it’s not.

It creeps in, the madness. And it is not a case of whether you let it, or how strong you are. It is not a case of giving up. Quite the opposite. It is because you’re holding on.

There is no amount of affirmation you make that

Views: 13

They'll break you if they can.

They will grind you down until you know your place.

They will take that part of you that is truly you, and they’ll have you doubting its value.

And when they do you will be too tired to fight it.

And you'll start to bel

Views: 11

drained of all uselessness

What is this country we live in? what lies have festered since before our very conception? We can pretend we have freedom, that this island leads the world. We can bury heads with ease; it is what we have always done. Some

Views: 22

I would be lying to myself if I wasn’t apprehensive. And I fight the wave of despair that they are pushing down our throats. In the hope that I won’t ever have to accept it. Because I know it doesn’t have to be this way, but I struggle to see a clear

Views: 5

Melancholy the mollusc had an unusual day, but they would never tell you about it. Some are just like that, it's ok, some are the other way too. It’s all about balance, right? Melancholy tine mollusc had balance, and plenty of it, so much so that the

Views: 14

Here we go again, another manmade disaster, and it will be our fault. I mean, it is, just not in the way that they will spin it. And so, our belt will get tightened, that’s assuming we can afford to buy or own them, and they haven’t become just anoth

Views: 11

It has not been great, has it? Does that about sum up the energy I have for this right now? It is worth writing about, it honestly is, but it just feels too much. It does to me, does it not to you? I mean, why make something worse by labeling it? But

Views: 8

I don’t do this for fun, you know. I am not doing it for shits and giggles. But it is something I have to do. I yearn to do, and I am lucky because it gives me some kind of meaning to do it. I am not a tortured artist. Some would say then that doesn’

Views: 13

A new president of the United States of Britain was born today.
And will be delivered to the king on a platter the day after.
And they rejoice.
Those that had a choice.
For the man who held the suitcase.
Just 193 decide the fate of 67million.
And what do

Views: 7

What are we living in?
It certainly is not a democracy, no matter how you dress it up.
The public treated like fools by the Eton Mess.
I can’t be doing it anymore. I am done.
I haven’t given up caring, but something’s broke inside.
I haven’t given up

Views: 9

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