Estimated two minutes read: Article Marketing Is Important: Series Marketing Your Cause
Article marketing has been used for years. From media publications, it has shifted to the web which many experts say is timeless thus making it very important in
Estimated two minutes read: An Overview of the Concept behind RSS Feeds
RSS Feeds stands for Really Simple Syndication. Other times it is also called Rich Site Summary. But both have the same meanings. The first time you see this, it may appear compl
Estimated 2 minutes read: 9 Article Marketing Tips: Series Marketing Your Cause
Article marketing can do a lot for your social enterprise, not for profit or cause. You just have to know a few things and here are some tips to help you out.
Let's say you started up your own social enterprise, cause or activist campaign. The only way to succeed rather than fail is for you to promote it. You can do this by paying for advertisements or getting the same atten
What is affiliate marketing and can it work for you?
More and more advertisers and leading brands are turning to the digital age of affiliate marketing as an opportunity to get great results from relatively low investment.
Great blogging. Perhaps anyone will want to be a great blogger. Many people all over the world nowadays are quite interested in blogging. If you're determined to become a good blogger, you've already set your sights on how to achieve success. Here is
Google tries to understand your website to ensure it is relevant to the searches that people are making. This means when planning or optimising a website we need to consider this and make it easier for Google to find the relevant pages and informatio
POEM is a marketing acronym that is basically designed to make you think about your marketing media in groups of Paid for, Owned and Earned. The M in P.O.E.M. simply means Media.
For charities, not for profits, and activists for change, the Paid me
Website optimisationfrom SEO linguistic profiling to creating content Google likes
Website optimisation takes into account a lot of what was discussed in the last chapter. If you already have a website that has been designed for you or you have
Well, quite simply it’s the analysis or keywords, well duh. But seriously if you remember in the first chapter we talked about keywords or phrases, which are the words an internet surfer uses when loo
In today'sworld, it should go without saying that if you have a website, it should be mobile-friendly. However, at a lot of the sites I see are still terrible on a mobile device. Ensuring that your site is mobile-friendly is now probably one of the
Good website design cannot be understated. But good design without good usability is wasted. You can have the best-lookingwebsite on the internet but if it is hard to use then visitors will become frustrated and go elsewhere, and search engines will
The world of digital marketing can be daunting and confusing. In today's world, you know you need to do something, but there are so many somethings you could do which one do you choose and when? How much will it cost? Do you hav
So you want to make money online, you want to highlight your cause or get noticed for your creative pursuits. You have heard the internet is a money-making phenomenon is full of success stories of people who have made hundreds of thousands of dollars
No this is not a chapter that teaches you what the internet is or where and when it was invented. That information is nice but it is freely available on any decent google search on the subject and is not the reason you are her
Let’s start with the basics and go from there. What is digital marketing?
There are many definitions on the web and in books. Some say its traditional marketing using electronic tools, some limit it to the use of computer technology in the communicat
As a digital marketer, you can change the world. That might sound dramatic but it's not far from the truth. With the power of technology, more data than is imaginable and the use of behavioural science in the digital persuasion business has arguably
They say that globalisation is a thing of the past. Whoever they are. With the world economy changing and globalisation becoming something the world, its people and institutions will start to kick against individuals and groups will look to gain an i
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