Musing of a Cyberpunk

Prose and musing by  Sam I am.

Writer of cyberpunk, dystopian fiction, and nonfiction. Plus whatever drives me at the time. 

in the violence of words

in the violence of words

in the violence of words.


peace reframed, brings the hate out to enlighten us.

in streets, fighting for what is not attacked, from those calling out what is,

hiding truth in lies. bullets in babies. for the greater good. reframe, make palatable.

disagree with the decree, you hater, terrorist using free thought, free words, to speak out.

your crime.

to serve time.

and yet we keep moving forward.

purchase their wares. unaware, or unwilling, as to what it leads to.

bating the easily hooked. scraps off the table.

dance, under the wing of the right.

in the violence of words.


peace reframed, brings the hate out to enlighten us.

in streets, fighting for what is not attacked, from those calling out what is,

hiding truth in lies. bullets in babies. for the greater good. reframe, make palatable.

disagree with the decree, you hater, terrorist using free thought, free words, to speak out.

your crime.

to serve time.

and yet we keep moving forward.

purchase their wares. unaware, or unwilling to be, as to what it leads to.

bating so easily hooked. scraps off the table.

dance, under the wing of the right.

in the violence of words. seek your comfort for what you are

words by me, artwork by wonder Ai directed by me 

by Sam I Am

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